The semi-recent hype around serverless has made me think, how should we be scaling networked programs?
The standard way to run some kind of server in scala today looks like this:
This should be familiar if you’ve worked in other similar languages, you’ll find the same pattern in python, C#, golang, the list goes on.
It’s running, usually with a set number of workers spawned, using a load of RAM and CPU waiting for requests to come in.
Why do we do this? well it’s all in one process so we can share memory and side-effect our way between the threads for things like caches or shared database connection pools.
Hold up, did I just say side-effect? we don’t like those if we’re functional programmers, can we do anything better?
Forking Programs
Back in the early days of the web, we had scripting languages like PHP and Perl, where we’d just tell the web browser to execute scripts when people called endpoints, there was no global state and the scripts ran and exited.
This time in our diagram, we’ve got a generic component called php-fpm
, it’s a C program we don’t know about the internals of, and it’s launching our scripts when people want to render pages.
By this design, PHP actually can’t share state between workers (although there are some rather nasty hacks for this, like shared bytecode caches and accessing shared memory owned by the php-fpm manager).
We’ve now got programs that launch, do some work, output a result, and exit.
You may notice that php-fpm
here is doing exactly what a serverless implementation would do, it’s spinning up processes when we need them, it might hold a couple open but not feed them input yet just in case.
That’s great! so maybe we can become better functional programmers by using serverless patterns?
Well what do I pick… AWS Lambda? DigitalOcean Functions? Apache OpenWhisk? All of these seem to be different levels of proprietary or annoying to work with so…
CGI is the Common Gateway Interface
, it’s the standard way for web servers to launch binaries, pass HTTP requests to them, and read HTTP responses out, we’ve had it since the early 90s, and it can run multiple languages just fine.
Look out for the next post in this series where I introduce the scala-native framework http4s-cgi which allows you to build CGI binaries using http4s.