(previous article on HyperLogLog)
So all that counting zeroes stuff made our estimator kind of hard, we need to do a load of probability maths to figure out how many items we’ve seen, what if I told you there was a simpler way?
Theta Sketches
The Theta sketch works on a slightly different model, this time we’re going to keep track of the smallest hashes we’ve seen, up to a limit of 2 ^ p
, and we’re going to shift our hashes into the range of 0.0
to 1.0
and call this theta
def hashToTheta(hash: Int): Double =
(((BigDecimal(hash) / Int.MaxValue) / 2) + 0.5) // move into the range of 0 to 1
.setScale(9, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP) // round to 9 decimal points for nice displaying
// res0: Double = 0.5
// res1: Double = 0.0
// res2: Double = 1.0
So we’ve worked out how to turn a hash into a theta, what does this get us?
Let’s say we’re willing to keep a sample of 10 unique items from our stream, and we’re keeping the smallest unique hashes, it might look like this:
import cats.implicits._
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
import scala.collection.SortedSet
var SAMPLE_SIZE: Int = 10
// SAMPLE_SIZE: Int = 10
def takeSample(items: List[String]): SortedSet[Double] =
items.map(MurmurHash3.stringHash) // hash it into a pretty unique id
.map(hashToTheta) // translate into theta values
.foldLeft(SortedSet.empty[Double]) {
case (values, value) if values.contains(value) => // it was a duplicate in our sample
// no change
values case (values, value) if (values.size < SAMPLE_SIZE) => // we aren't at capacity yet
+ value
values case (values, value) if (value < values.max) => // it's below our max theta
- values.max + value // drop our top value and add
values case (values, _) => // anything else can be dropped
// quick way to make demo data
def generate(i: Int): List[String] =
(0 to i).map(_.toString).toList
// res3: SortedSet[Double] = TreeSet(
// 9.2818E-5,
// 5.8352E-4,
// 0.002820835,
// 0.003069461,
// 0.004881037,
// 0.00591354,
// 0.006197287,
// 0.006300205,
// 0.007501833,
// 0.008358628
// )
You can see we’ve got our 10 bottom theta entries, and the top theta represents our cut-off point, so we’ve sampled 10 items, they’re in this part, and we can then estimate the rest:
def estimate(sample: SortedSet[Double]): Double =
if (sample.size < SAMPLE_SIZE) { // if we haven't filled our sample, we know the exact number
sample} else {
val theta = sample.max
(SAMPLE_SIZE - 1) / theta
// res4: Double = 1.0
// res5: Double = 9.215780902107952
// res6: Double = 81.31792062378868
// res7: Double = 1076.7317315712578
As you can see the accuracy’s not great with a 10 item sample, but it’s pretty close.
Let’s try it with something more realistic:
= 1024
// res9: Double = 970807.4498795744
With a 1024 sample, we’re down to a 3% error on a million items, which is close enough to be acceptable for many use cases.
Once we have a good sample size, our error rate can actually be very low, for a full table see the datasketches website.
RAM use
The number of items we keep is usually expressed as a power of 2, just like in the HyperLogLog, so configuring a theta sketch with precision 4
gives you a sample of 16
values, making this comparable to how we configure a HyperLogLog for space efficiency.
We can generate the same kind of size table we had for HyperLogLog, in this example I used a Double
which is 64-bits, so it looks like this:
import squants.information._
// Turn a data size into something friendly for a human
def humanize(input: Information): Information =
.in(List(Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes)
input.findLast(unit => unit(1) < input).getOrElse(Bits)).rounded(2)
(4 to 16).map { p =>
val sampleSize = Math.pow(2, p).toLong // 2 to the power of precision is how many buckets we have
val thetaSize = Bits(64) // we're using 64-bit doubles here
val dataSize = humanize(sampleSize * thetaSize) // each bucket's size is still hashSize, so we just multiply
-> dataSize
p }
// res10: IndexedSeq[(Int, Information)] = Vector(
// (4, 128.0 B),
// (5, 256.0 B),
// (6, 512.0 B),
// (7, 1.02 KB),
// (8, 2.05 KB),
// (9, 4.1 KB),
// (10, 8.19 KB),
// (11, 16.38 KB),
// (12, 32.77 KB),
// (13, 65.54 KB),
// (14, 131.07 KB),
// (15, 262.14 KB),
// (16, 524.29 KB)
// )
CPU use
Again most of what we’ve done is use a hash algorithm, so we’re still in O(N)
territory, as long as the Set
or similar which you build in has efficient operations for contains
and add
and remove
I’ve written an interactive simulator for Theta sketches, which can be found here, try pressing add items on the left to see it fill up.